Climate Simulation with...

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Provided by Bundesamt für Kartographie und Geodäsie

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Dataset information

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CLM_SGA, regional modelling, climate simulation
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Dataset description

The experiment CLM_B1_1_D2 contains European regional climate simulations of the years 2001-2100 on a rotated grid (CLM non hydrostatic, 0.165 deg. hor. res., see ). It is forced by the first (_1_) run of the global IPCC scenario B1 (EH5-T63L31_OM-GR1.5L40_B1_1_6H), which describes a possible future world with global population peaking in mid-century and rapid change in economic structures towards a service and information economy. An introduction of clean and resource efficient technologies was assumed. In data stream 2 (_D2) the output variables of CLM are stored as time series on a rotated grid. The model region starts at -20.8725/-23.7275 (centre of lower left grid box) with rotated North Pole at 39.25/-162.0 (lat/lon). The number of grid points is 255/241 (lat/lon). The sponge zone (numerically unreliable boundary grid points) of the original model output has been cut off. The regional model variables include two-dimensional near surface fields and soil and atmospheric fields on different layers. The soil fields are simulated on 10 different levels with a maximum depth of 15 meters. The atmospheric fields are given on 6 pressure levels (200, 500, 700, 850, 925 and 1 000 hPa). The time interval of the output fields ranges from 1 to 3 hours and includes daily output fields, depending on the respective variable. Please contact sga“at” for data request details. See for more details on CLM simulations in the context of the BMBF funding priority “klimazwei”, some useful information on handling climate model data and the data access regulations. The output format is netCDF, experiment with CLM 2.4.11 on NEC-SX6(hurrikan), raw data: /dxul/UT/k/k204095/prism/experiments/B1_1,/dxul/prj/ir0264/arch/CLM/prism/experiments/B1_1
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