Conditions of use of near-surface geothermal energy for geothermal probes (up to 200 m depth) in Lower Saxony 1: 500 000

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Provided by Bundesamt für Kartographie und Geodäsie

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2022.09.08 00:00
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inspireidentifiziert, Energiequellen, NIBIS-Metadaten
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Dataset description

The map “Terms of use of near-surface geothermal energy — geothermal probes” shows a classification in three area categories for geothermal use by geothermal probes • no grounds for restriction known in the LBEG for geothermal use, • Reasons for restriction known in the LBEG for geothermal use, • Use of geothermal heat is prohibited. This classification was drawn up in accordance with the approval procedure for the installation and operation of geothermal probes as described in the Guide “Earth Heat Use in Lower Saxony”. It expressly does not contain any information on the technical development possibilities of geothermal heat. The map is based on the information available for the Land of Lower Saxony on all topics summarised in the legend and applies to drilling up to 200 m depth. The competent Lower Water Authority shall examine whether the conditions for the construction and operation of a geothermal probe are met in the areas where there are grounds for restriction known to the LBEG and in the areas where no grounds for restriction are known to the LBEG, on the basis of the required notification or application and location conditions. — In areas where the LBEG is not aware of any restrictions, the Lower Water Authority shall check whether it has any further information not included in the LBEG map for the site. If there are no grounds for restricting the geothermal heat project, the planned project can be processed using the notification procedure. The requirements for construction and operation for the use of geothermal heat (Annex 1a) as described in the Guide “Earth Heat Use in Lower Saxony” must be observed. If there is a concern at the planned site due to reasons for restriction, the notification shall be considered as an application for a permit under water law, provided that the applicant has expressed this in his application. In the context of an individual water law assessment, the Lower Water Authority determines whether and under what conditions geothermal heat utilisation is possible. The Lower Water Authority assesses which requirements in addition to the general requirements of the Guide must be issued within the framework of a permit pursuant to Sections 8 and 9 of the WHG. In this case, the applicant will receive a permit under water law with ancillary provisions. — In areas where restrictions are known to the LBEG (see Guide “Earth Heat Use in Lower Saxony”, Location Factors Chapter 6), the Lower Water Authority first examines whether the stated reasons for restriction are relevant to the planned geothermal heat project or are not applicable at the site, e.g. because the reason for restriction occurs at a greater depth and the planned geothermal heat plant does not reach that depth. Should there be no concern at the planned site due to these constraints, the Lower Water Authority shall check whether further information is available at the site that is not included in the map of the LBEG. If, again, there are no grounds for restricting the geothermal heat project, the planned project can be processed by means of the notification procedure. The requirements for construction and operation for the use of geothermal heat (Annex 1a) as described in the Guide “Earth Heat Use in Lower Saxony” must be observed. If there is a concern at the planned site due to reasons for restriction, the notification shall be considered as an application for a permit under water law, provided that the applicant has expressed this in his application. In the context of an individual water law assessment, the Lower Water Authority determines whether and under what conditions geothermal heat utilisation is possible. The Lower Water Authority assesses which requirements in addition to the general requirements of the Guide must be issued within the framework of a permit pursuant to Sections 8 and 9 of the WHG. In this case, the applicant will receive a permit under water law with ancillary provisions. The different reasons for assigning an area to this area category are summarised in the legend. — In the prohibited areas, the use of geothermal heat is prohibited due to the proximity to water extraction facilities. In these areas, the implementation of a geothermal project by the Lower Water Authority is generally rejected. The different reasons for assigning an area to this area category are summarised in the legend. If a secure allocation of a location on the basis of the map is not possible or if there are other local indications of conditions that influence the use of near-surface geothermal heat, the Lower Water Authority or, where applicable, the LBEG will provide assistance on request. The data are used for an initial assessment of the conditions of use for geothermal probes and do not replace the concrete inspection in the context of plant construction on the basis of the local conditions. Further information on legal and technical basics can be found in the “Guide for Geothermal Use in Lower Saxony” (Geobericht 24).
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