cops_nebt_ubt_flux: Eddy-covariance turbulence data from COPS energy balance and turbulence network stations run by University of Bayreuth during COPS 2007

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Provided by Bundesamt für Kartographie und Geodäsie

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Dataset information

Country of origin
Available languages
energy balance, observational data, turbulence, ground based
Quality scoring

Dataset description

The energy balance stations run by University of Bayreuth measured either high-frequency (20 Hz) eddy-covariance raw data with a CSAT3 (Campbell Scientific, Inc.) sonic anemometer and a LI-7500 (LI-COR Biosciences) hygrometer or turbulent fluxes of momentum, sensible and latent heat with a USA-1 (METEK GmbH, Germany) sonic anemometer and two psychrometers (Frankenberger) above different the target land use types. The measuring set-up was continuously running during the entire COPS measurement period in order to provide a complete time series of the turbulent fluxes of momentum, sensible and latent heat as well as carbon dioxide. Post-processing was performed using the software package TK2 (developed by the Department of Micrometeorology, University of Bayreuth) which produces quality assured turbulent flux data with an averaging interval of 30 min. The documentation and instruction manual of TK2 (see entry cops_nebt_ubt_info_1) and additional references about the applied flux corrections and post-field data quality control (see entry cops_nebt_ubt_info_2) as well as a document about the general handling of the flux data can be found in supplementary pdf-files within the energy balance and turbulence network (NEBT) experiment of the data base. The turbulent flux data in this data set are flagged according to their quality and checked for an impact of possible internal boundary layers. Additionally, the flux contribution from the target land use type intended to be observed to the total flux measured was calculated applying footprint modeling. Information and references about the internal boundary layer evaluation procedure and the footprint analysis are also given in the additional pdf-files. Pictures of the footprint climatology of the station as related to the land use and to the spatial distribution of the quality flags are included in the supplementary pdf-files corresponding to the individual station.
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