Database with remote-sensing reflections from radiative transfer modelling

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Provided by Bundesamt für Kartographie und Geodäsie

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Dataset information

Country of origin
Available languages
remote sensing reflectance, MOMO
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Dataset description

The data are results from radiative transfer simulations from 390 to 1020 nm in 1nm resolution. They can be convoluted to any ocean colour instrumental spectral response function and therefore present satellite based aircraft- or ground-based measurements of the remote sensing reflectance. The data is simulated with the radiative transfer code MOMO (Matrix Operator Model), which simulates the full radiative transfer in atmosphere and ocean. The code is hosted at the Institute of space sciences at Freie Universität Berlin and is not publicly available. In addition to molecular Rayleigh scattering one maritime aerosol scatterer is considered. The data is available for 9 solar, 9 viewing Zenith and 25 Azimuth angles. The remote sensing reflectance is simulated in dependence of IOPS reflecting pure water with different salaries and 5 water constituents in a global range of concentrations. The IOPS are variable. The grid points for each IOP where in order to restore the full relationship between this particular IOP and the resulting remote sensing reflectance.
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