Daycare Facilities Hamburg

Open data API in a single place

Provided by GKSt GovData Freie und Hansestadt Hamburg

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Dataset information

Country of origin
2022.12.07 18:17
Available languages
kinder, versorgungswirtschaft-und-staatliche-dienste, geodaten, frühkindliche, kindertagesstätte, erziehung, hamburgisches-transparenzgesetz--hmbtg
Quality scoring

Dataset description

Two files are generated daily: 1. Kita_Establishment.csv 2. Kita_Set-up_Performance.csv The file Kita_Eineinrichtung.csv provides exactly one row of information for each daycare centre and is sorted according to the first column KITASetup_EinrNr ascending. The file Kita_Establishment_Performance.csv contains all the services offered by the daycare centres and is also sorted according to the first column KITASet-up_EinrNr ascending. Format The files were created under the UTF-8 codepage. The end of the line is marked with Carriage Return (=car return) + Line Feed (=line feed). The columns are separated by the separator ^ (= hat). Data structure The first line of the files is optimised with the content sep=^ for editing with the program Microsoft Excel. If you don't work with Excel, this line must be ignored. However, Excel generally considers all csv files as ANSI-coded and does not automatically convert to UTF-8, so that the umlauts are not displayed correctly. Therefore, the use of the excelinternal text conversion wizard is expressly recommended at this point for the import of the data to Excel, as all necessary settings for an error-free import can be made there. The second row of the files contains the column headings. From the third line to the end of the file, the exported records of the Kita database are located. Column definition of the file Kita_Setup.csv 1. KITASet-up_EinrNr Primary key, integer, NOT NULL 2. KITASet-up_Name nvarchar (100), NULL 3. KITASet-up_Strasse nvarchar (100), NULL 4. KITADecoration_HouseNo integer, NULL 5. KITADecoration_HouseNo_Alpha char (6), NULL 6. KITASet-up_PLZ integer, NULL 7. KITADecoration_Place nvarchar (30), NULL 8. District_Name nvarchar (30), NULL 9. KITABezirk_Name nvarchar (15), NULL 10. Contact Partner nvarchar (100), NULL 11. KITASet-up_telephone nvarchar (40), NULL 12. KITASet-up_Fax nvarchar (50), NULL 13. KITATraeger_Name nvarchar (250), NULL 14. KITAEr_refs_URL nvarchar (100), NULL 15. KITAEr_refs_Email nvarchar (100), NULL Column definition of the file Kita_Setup_Performance.csv 1. KITASet-up_EinrNr integer, NOT NULL 2. KITAPerformance_Name nvarchar (100), NULL
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