Dataset information
Available languages
bauleitplanung, raumbezogene-information, baunutzungsverordnung--baunvo, bodennutzung, geoinformation, baugesetzbuch--baugb, bebauungsplan, öffentliche-pläne, plis
Dataset description
The development plan Billbrook 5, for the area defined in the installation by a black line east of the Tiefstack Canal, south of the Bille to the railway facilities (district of Hamburg-Mitte, district 132), is determined.
The area shall be limited as follows: Tiefstackkanal-Bille-over the parcels 1475 and 151 (Billbrookdeich), southern boundary of parcel 1644, over parcel 1699, south borders of parcels 935 and 939, via parcel 146 (Berzeliusstraße), southern borders of parcels 719, 586, 607 and 421, via parcel 1652 (railway facilities), north-east boundary of parcel 1768 (railway), via parcel 1461 (Liebigstraße), northeast and east boundary of parcel 532 (railway), over parcel 1562, east boundary of parcel 1681, via parcel 1835 (Pinkertweg), east borders of parcels 1625, 1624, 1749, 1836, 1146, 1191, 1197, 1198, 1274, 1275, 1278, 1746, 1745, 833 (Bredowstraße) and 954, via parcel 1366 (Unterer Landweg), southwest borders of parcels 1366, 832, 831, 1710, 1709, 1647, 1408, 1269, 1261, 1029, 1027, 827, 957, 1164, 875 (Güterbahn) and 876, via parcel 182 (Tide Canal), south-west border of the parcel 1822, via parcel 901 (Grusonstraße), south-west borders of parcels 1787 and 1786, over the parcel 2066 of the Billbrook area.
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