The Ordinance on the Hummelsbüttel 14 development plan of 16 June 1970 (Hamburg Law and Ordinance Gazette, page 192) is amended as follows:
1.In the drawing presentation of the plan laid down, the fixing of building land for common use (church) is considered to be a “pure residential area” in which a single-storey building in open construction with the base area number 0.2 and the number of floors 0.3 is permitted; only single houses that cannot have more than two apartments are allowed.
2.For the area referred to in point 1, the following requirements shall apply:
1.The distance of the construction boundaries to the road boundary lines is 5 m, from the other parcel boundaries 3 m.
2. Only roofs with a slope between 35 degrees and 45 degrees are allowed; Squadrons are excluded.
3.The ridge height must not exceed 9 m over walkway.
4. Further local traffic areas are required for the development. Their exact location is determined by the intended development. They are fixed on request in a decision pursuant to Section 14 of the Hamburgische Wegegesetz, as amended by 22 January 1974 (Hamburgisches Gesetz- undverordnungsblatt, page 41), or produced in accordance with Section 125(2) of the Building Code.
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