The development plan Neugraben-Fischbek 18 for the scope Scharlbargstieg-Scharlbarg-Schnuckendrift-Kiesbarg-Thiemannstraße-Fischbeker Heideweg-Ost-and-South border of the parcel 2315, south borders of parcels 2195, 2194, 1803, 1802, 1801, via parcels 2309 and 2308 of the Fischbek mark to the northern border of the parcel 1519, parcels 2490, 1116, 9/113 and 9/107, eastern boundary of parcels 187/102 and 9/109, northern boundary of parcels 3784 and 2437, eastern boundary of parcel 1535 and northern boundary of parcel 1524 of the Fischbek area (Harburg district, district 718).
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