Development plan Rahlstedt 45 1st amendment Hamburg

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Provided by Bundesamt für Kartographie und Geodäsie

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Öffentliche Pläne, hmbtg, opendata, REGI, PLIS
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Dataset description

The Rahlstedt 45 Building Plan Act of 3 March 1969 (Hamburg Law and Ordinance Gazette, p. 28) is amended as follows: 1. In the drawing presentation, the fixing of “Building Plot for Common Needs” (Altersheim) is changed to the fixing of the “pure residential area”. For this residential area, a maximum of two-storey open construction is fixed, in which only single and semi-detached houses with no more than two apartments per building are allowed. 2. Section 2 is replaced by the following: ‘For the implementation of the development plan, the following provisions shall apply: 1. Garages under the same ground are also permitted on the non-surmountable parts of building plots, if the dormancy and gardens are not significantly affected. 2. Further local traffic areas are required for the development of the pure residential area fixed on the parcel 558. Their exact location is determined by the intended development. They are manufactured in accordance with Section 125(2) of the Federal Building Act.
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