Development plans in the municipality of Wietze (PARENT)

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Provided by Bundesamt für Kartographie und Geodäsie

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Dataset information

Country of origin
Available languages
BPL, Bebauungspläne, inspireidentifiziert, B-Plan
Quality scoring

Dataset description

The municipality Wietze consists of the districts Wietze, Hornbostel, Wieckenberg and Jeversen. In total, the collection of the development plans comprises 60 plans from 1963 to 2016. Construction plans Wietze In the long field In the long field 1. Adventurng Wide sand Wide sand 2 Snow Camp Schneekamp simplified change Old sports field Old sports field simplified change Oselohfeld 1 Extension Oselohfeld 1 Extension Oselohfeld 1, 1. Amendment Oselohfeld 2 Oselohfeld 2, 1st Amendment Krohnsweg Spooky Haunthole 1st change Haunthole 2nd change Meßdorweg At the City Hall At the Town Hall, 1st change At the Town Hall, 2nd change At the Town Hall, 3 rd change At the Town Hall, 4th Amendment Cemetery Path Cemetery path, 1st change Cemetery Trail North Cemetery Route North Simplified Change Company home Rahte School Street Poggenpaulsweg Recast West of the Meßdorweg Industrial road Industrial road 1. Modification of simplified procedure Industrial area Industriestraße W-17 Industrial area Industriestraße 1st change W-17 Industrial area Industriestraße 2. Change Darre expansion Rahte W-27 West of School W-25 Special area Trannberg W-28 Trannberg-Mitte Construction plans Wieckenberg Petersweg Hallway 4 North Hallway 4 North Extension Flottgarten At the Wietze Deep valley At the old Wietze Design Regulations Wieckenberg Design Statute Wieckenberg, 1st Amendment Development plans Jeversen Old Kirchweg 1 Old Kirchweg 1, 1st change Old Kirchweg 2 Old Kirchweg 3 Old Kirchweg 3, 1st change Weekend house area Alter Kirchweg J-3 Weekend house area Alter Kirchweg, 1 change Goat Mountain Trail No. 2 Goat Mountain Caravanplatz Gosewende Caravanplatz Gosewende, 1st change Smithy Street Rathfeld Rathfeld, 1st Amendment Village centre Jeversen No. 7 Wabco test track Development plans Hornbostel Schafbrückenweg Refinery Road Sand garden field Trift Trift extension South Winsener Straße Boyweg Boyweg Simplified Change No. 3 Wachholderpark No. 3 Wachholderpark No. 3 Wachholderpark, 2nd change West Schafbrückenweg Village of Hornbostel Ortkern Hornbostel, 1st change
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