Digital engineering geological map of Bavaria 1:25,000 (dIGK25) — WMS

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Provided by Bundesamt für Kartographie und Geodäsie

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Dataset information

Country of origin
2021.09.29 00:00
Available languages
Ingenieurgeologische Karte, gdiby, opendata, Geologie, Ingenieurgeologie, Kartenwerk, dIGK25, Baugrund, Gesteinsklassifikation
Quality scoring

Dataset description

The digital engineering geological map of Bavaria 1:25,000 (dIGK25) is a thematic map on an overview scale. With regard to the delimitation of the units, it is derived directly from the current state of the digital geological map of Bavaria 1:25,000 (dGK25), according to the approach of an integrated mapping. The map shows the building ground types of the main geological units at the site surface (surface map). A building ground type is defined by similar building ground geological or geotechnical properties. Currently 33 types (legal units) are distinguished in Bavaria, roughly divided into loose rocks, variable solid rocks and solid rocks. The data set contains the following information on the building ground types in Bavaria: a basic characterisation or description (Legendentext building ground type), examples of characteristic rocks, examples of possible characteristic soil groups according to DIN 18196, a qualitative classification of the average load capacity, and, in addition, a general ground indication. The assignment of the main geological units to building ground types and the indication of the building ground information is carried out by evaluating and interpreting the available geoscientific technical data (e.g. nature, composition and origin). Here, each main unit is described individually for itself purely rock-related in their Bavarian-wide training. Possible local features, such as topography, facies transitions or, if necessary, complex layer storage are not taken into account. Technical data underlying the evaluation are essentially: the attributes of the dGK25, the geological general legend of Bavaria, textual explanations and manuscripts of geological maps, information on geohazards (georisk objects) and specialist literature on basic geotechnical questions. The data set of the dIGK25 provides the basis for large-scale observations or rough site-based pre-information on an overview scale and is intended to draw attention to potentially sensitive basic building conditions. The designated areas correspond to those of the main geological units of the dGK25. Accordingly, they show the spatial distribution of the near-surface rocks below the ground zone at about 2 m depth. The accuracy of the representation depends on the geological conditions, it is at best 25 m according to the processing scale and is therefore generally not accurate. From the digital engineering geological map (dIGK25) no plot-sharp detailed descriptions or concrete indications of lower-lying rocks and geologic properties can be derived directly. At the specific place, the rock or its expression may differ from the information provided. The technical data correspond to the current state of knowledge of the Bavarian State Office for the Environment. Although they are regularly revised and updated, no guarantee of their completeness and accuracy can be given. The engineering geological map therefore contains no binding assessments of the building ground geological situation and in no case replaces a case-related ground study according to DIN EN 1997-2 or a geotechnical assessment according to Eurocode 7.
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