Digital Lithogeochemical Map of Bavaria 1:25,000 (dLGK25) — WMS

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Provided by Bundesamt für Kartographie und Geodäsie

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Dataset information

Country of origin
2021.09.20 00:00
Available languages
Geologie, gdiby, Kartenwerk, Geochemie, dLGK25, Lithogeochemie
Quality scoring

Dataset description

The digital lithogeochemical map of Bavaria 1:25 000 (dLGK25) is a thematic map on an overview scale. With regard to the delimitation of the units, it is derived directly from the current state of the digital geological map of Bavaria (dGK25), according to the approach of an integrated mapping. The map image shows the main geological units combined into lithogeochemical units (LGE), which are located near the surface below the ground zone (surface map). A lithogeochemical unit is composed of geological units which, within a defined geological period, had similar conditions of formation and thus predicted a characteristic chemical composition. A total of 184 LGEs are distinguished for Bavaria, in which up to three different lithologies (fixed rocks) or grain size fractions (locker rocks) are distinguished. The dataset contains statistical parameters (50th and 90th respectively. Percentile equivalent to median and background value) of the investigated elements (main, secondary and trace elements; measured with X-ray fluorescence analysis (RFA) or mass spectrometry with inductively coupled plasma (ICP-MS) in the differentiated LGE. For statistical evaluation, a sample number of more than 10 is required. While for the characterisation of the span distribution in the geochemical units a high number of samples distributed as much as possible would be ideal, there are often rather small sample numbers and/or spatially unequal distributions of the sampling points, which could lead to corresponding corrections in the spans in case of post-compression. The stated percentiles are always to be seen as an indication of the range of element concentrations within the geochemical units and thus do not provide any indication of the specific values to be found at a location. As far as possible, only representative rock samples of the units were taken into account for the evaluations, so that local peculiarities such as veins are usually not included. The accuracy of the representation depends on the geological conditions, it is at best 25 m according to the processing scale and is therefore generally not accurate. From the digital lithogeochemical map (dLGK25) no parcel-sharp statements or concrete indications of deeper rocks and geochemical properties can be derived directly. At the specific location, the rock or its expression may differ from the underlying conditions. The technical data correspond to the current state of data and knowledge of the Bavarian State Office for the Environment. No guarantee can be given for the completeness and correctness of the information provided. Maximum image size: 4096x4096Pixels.
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