Distribution of mineral raw materials in the German North Sea — potential sink sand deposits in the Lower Saxony coastal region evaluated drilling data

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Provided by Bundesamt für Kartographie und Geodäsie

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Dataset information

Country of origin
2013.11.26 00:00
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inspireidentifiziert, Geologie
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Dataset description

The map Distribution of mineral raw materials in the German North Sea — potential rinsing sand deposits in the Lower Saxony coastal region provides information on the distribution of sediments that have been classified as suitable for extraction for coastal protection purposes. The background for the identification of the predominantly mean deposits is the continuous high demand of this mineral raw material, which is due to the long-term increasing burden on the East Frisian islands as a result of the secular sea level rise and potential impacts of climate change. The maps cover the area north of the East Frisian Islands, which is bounded by the -8 m NN Isobathe in the south and the traffic separation area to the north. The depth of information varies between the evaluations for a possible area removal up to 3 m depth under GOK and the option for depth extraction up to 20 m under GOK. According to the question, drilling data were evaluated at the depth intervals 0-3 m, 0-10 m and 0-20 m. The legend comprises 2 classes and identifies potential deposits of sand (generally) in the above-mentioned areas and, if possible, specify the desired grain size range from fine to medium sand. In addition, for the seabed surface of the median the grain size distribution of surface (grid) samples is shown in 3 classes of 150-300 µm. The maps are based on sediment samples from the seabed surface to a depth of 20 cm, as well as layer descriptions of drill holes available in the Lower Saxon coastal region until June 2011. The basic data is stored in databases at the BSH and LBEG, and data collected in the future will be integrated into it. Curler sediments are classified according to their grain sizes according to DIN EN 14688-1: Clay (grain size < 0.002 mm); Schluff (grain size 0.002 to 0.063 mm); Sand (grain size 0.063 to 2.0 mm); Gravel (grain size 2.0 to 63 mm); Stones and blocks (> 63 mm). On the basis of the grain size analyses carried out in the laboratory as well as the layer descriptions from drilling, the sediments are classified for relevant questions.
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