District mapping of the beavers

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Provided by Bundesamt für Kartographie und Geodäsie

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Dataset description

— The national recording of the beaver areas has been taking place since 2001 in a three-year cycle between October and April, so far the data for 2001/2002, 2004/2005 and 2007/2008 are available. — The aim is to accurately determine the number of areas and the stock of beavers in the country. — The mapping method is described in the method manual for species monitoring and is based on Heidecke’s 1992 guidance. A mapping sheet was completed by the operator according to the specifications of species monitoring in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern. Some categories of the mapping sheet have been added to the attribute table. — During the 2001/2002 investigation period, all areas in predetermined reference areas (with known beaver colonisation) were mapped, i.e. it is not a country-wide complete overview. In the following investigation period 2004/2005, a broadly complete mapping was sought, although data from the island of Usedom and the Elbe Valley are missing. Since 2007/2008, all known and suspected beaver sites have been included in the national district mapping. — Whereas in the first two test periods the exact population (number of animals) by seat was determined for at least half of the areas, since 2007/2008 this is only possible for a selected number of areas. Nevertheless, according to Heidecke in 1997, a reliable stock extrapolation can be carried out. — technical information: The data were exported from the species database of the LUNG M-V DBMonArt in November 2010, partly supplemented with GIS investigations and reduced in terms of attributes. Using the EDID, the data sets must be uniquely identified in DBMonArt.
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