Download service: Agricultural yield potential (WFS-LBGR-BOERTRAG)

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Provided by Bundesamt für Kartographie und Geodäsie

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Dataset information

Country of origin
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Bodenkunde, Ackerbau, Bodengüte, bboxbebb, Geologie, Boden, Landwirtschaftlich genutzter Boden, Ertrag (landwirtschaftlich), WFS, Ackerbauliches Ertragspotenzial
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Dataset description

The download service (WFS) Agricultural Yield Potential provides an overview of the agricultural yield potential. A number of different input data are required to determine the agricultural yield potential (see Hennings 2000). Since several of these input data such as groundwater level data and dam levels for this map could also only be derived from the surface soil forms of the Legendary Units, for the map Agricultural Yield Potential was first chosen the path of the potential yield estimation, as in determining the soil number of the soil estimate (see AG Boden 2005, p. 317 et seq.). The basis for these estimates of soil yieldability is the soil forms common to Brandenburg in their most common naturally occurring combinations (soil forming societies). The soil form is the combination of soil development (pedogenesis) and substrates (soil-relevant characteristics of soil source rocks). The vast majority of legend descriptions make it clear that due to scale, most areas are to be described as heterogeneous due to the soil involved. Accordingly, most estimates of yield per area are also differentiated. The legend units therefore exhibit dominant and subdominant shares with different estimates of agricultural yield potential. AG Boden (2005): Ground-scientific carting instructions. — 5th edition, Hannover; Hennings, V. (Coord.)(2000): Method documentation Soil science. 2nd edition, Hannover.
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