Download WebAtlasSN

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Provided by Bundesamt für Kartographie und Geodäsie

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Dataset information

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Adressen, Adresse, Sonderformate, Staatsbetrieb Geobasisinformation und Vermessung Sachsen (GeoSN), DLM50, Organisation: GeoSN, Administrative Einheiten, Zeitraum: aktuell, grey, BDLM, DLM250, Rasterdaten, ehemals TOP.Sachsen, DE-SN, Gewässer, Bundesland Freistaat Sachsen, ALKIS, Anschrift, offline Nutzung, blattschnittfrei, Hauskoordinaten, Spitzenaktualität, Web Processing Service, DLM1000, WMS, Hausnummern, GeoBAK 2.0, Daten, WPS, digitale topographische Karte mit Hausnummern, Download in Sonderformaten, LV, Beschriftung, Grundaktualität, GeoSN, Siedlung, Landesvermessung, ATKIS, Verkehr, Ort: landesweit, Raster, WebAtlas-SN, digitale Geodaten, Hausnummer, SN, farbig, Gewässer Gewaesser, Gewaesser, DE, grau, Vegetation, AAA, colour, DTK, Webatlas SN
Quality scoring

Dataset description

The download service allows you to export the WebAtlasSN in a grid format, a coordinate system for a selected space section. This supports offline use. As a data basis, the display services (WMS) of the variant are used in color and grey and thus the data: Basic DLM, DLM50, DLM250 ((c) — GeoBasis-DE/BKG 2014) and DLM1000 ((c) — GeoBasis-DE/BKG 2014). The presentation is based on a nationwide uniform definition of the web signature catalogue (Web-SK) of the AdV. In the lowest zoom level there is a display with house numbers. The download client of the GeoBAK can be used as a user interface (client) for the download service. Further editions are possible via the printing and export function of the geoportal and map viewer ( The WebAtlasSN is set up as a standard background map. Further information on the functions can also be found in the online help Note to an analog print output can be found under the name of custom-made under the following website If you need data formats other than the offered data formats or selection options, please contact the contact person.
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