dphase_lami7: Limited Area Model Italy forecasts (COSMO model, 7 km) run by ARPA-SIM for the MAP D-PHASE project

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Provided by Bundesamt für Kartographie und Geodäsie

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Dataset information

Country of origin
Available languages
regional model forecast, model data
Quality scoring

Dataset description

lami7 stands for ‘Limited Area Model Italy’ which is the Italian implementation of COSMO Model, run with a 7 km grid interval. Cosmo model in lami7 suite is run operationally twice a day with a 7 km grid interval; it is initialised at 00 and 12 UTC with an own continuous assimilation cycle based on the nudging technique; the boundary conditions are provided by ECMWF IFS model; the integration domain ranges approximately from 0 deg E to 23 deg E and from 33 deg N to 52 deg N and the integration time range is 72 hours. The model is run at Cineca computing centre (http://www.cineca.it) on an IBM Power5 platform and in backup at ARPA-SIM (http://www.arpa.emr.it/sim/) on a Intel X86-64 Linux Cluster. Grid description: If given, the grid increments contained in the grib file have to be ignored since the precision for those parameters in GRIB1 format is not enough to represent the true value. DDOM: xfirst: —5.0 yfirst: —15.5 xsise: 186.0 ysise: 136.0 xinc: 0.0625 yinc: 0.0625 xnpole: 32.5 ynpole: —170.0
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