Drilling of the Drill Database of Lower Saxony (BDN)

Open data API in a single place

Provided by Bundesamt für Kartographie und Geodäsie

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Dataset information

Country of origin
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Geologie, NIBIS-Metadaten, inspireidentifiziert
Quality scoring

Dataset description

As a Geological Service according to the Geological Data Act (GeolDG) (formerly the Deposit Act), the LBEG is responsible for the collection and processing of results from underground exploration, e.g. through drilling. Drilling has been carried out for more than 150 years for the extraction of raw materials and for the exploration of the subsurface. The rock obtained from the drilling is described and this description is ideally permanently available as information about the subsurface. If the underground information used to be paper documents that could be viewed in the archive, the LBEG now makes this information available online in the map server. Drilling in the drilling database of Lower Saxony is divided into divisions. These divisions are derived from the purpose from which a borehole was graded. For example, the HY Hydrogeology Department includes drilling for the exploration and use of groundwater, the IG Engineering Geology Department includes drilling for exploration of the ground and so on. In some cases, the department also allows conclusions about the depth of the drilling, such as KB mapping of geology, which were graded for the preparation of the geological map of Lower Saxony or BV drill directory of deep drilling. Below is a brief overview of the existing departments: BD Soil history mapping of the coastal area GE Geological Exploration KB Map drilling of geology IG Engineering Geology HY Hydrogeology SE Stones and earths BV Drill Directory of Deep Drilling The layer directories of the holes can be viewed in the map server, provided they are approved for general inspection. For this purpose, the hole must be clicked on and the further information must be called up afterwards. If there is no digital layer directory for a bore or if a hole is not generally available for inspection, one side will open with the master data of this hole.
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