Dripping flowing waters

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Provided by Bundesamt für Kartographie und Geodäsie

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Dataset information

Country of origin
2022.12.16 00:00
Available languages
Gewässerachse II. Ordnung, Gewässerachse III. Ordnung, Bundeswasserstraße, Gewässerachse ohne Widmung, Gewässerachse I. Ordnung, Gewässerachse I. Ordnung nach Landesrecht
Quality scoring

Dataset description

The water network of the drastic flowing waters serves to record and maintain the list of waters in Lower Saxony in accordance with § 58(1) of the Lower Saxony Water Act (NWG) of 11.11.2020 (Nds. GVBl No. 43/2020), which are regularly waterborne for less than six months a year. This list is intended to implement the derogations to the water border strip within the framework of the action programme “Lower Saxony’s Way”.The water network is based on the digital terrain model (basic DLM) of the Land Office for Geoinformation and Surveying of Lower Saxony (LGLN) with the current date indicated at the water sections. For the modelling of the water network, the data delivery products “GEW01” and “GEW03” were combined and added attributively in order to have a linear water network also available for modelling purposes. Additional fields have been added to add further information.GEW01 — The object type group with the designation “waters” and the identifier “44000” covers the areas covered with water. The attributes of the composite objects (toSo) of the object types AX_Waterflow (44002) or AX_Channel (44003) are attached directly to the associated spatial-related elementary objects (REO) of the object types AX_Gewaesser (44004) or AX_Fliessgewaesser (44001).GEW03 — This delivery product contains the object type AX_Water Stationing Axis (57003). A water stationing axis is a line defined by a water compartment in water bodies. It includes the following types:- Waterline of the Water and Navigation Administration (WSV) is a geometry which has been taken unchanged from the documents of the WSV.- approximated middle line in waters conforms to the specifications of the Regional and Water Encryption Directive of the Regional and Water Working Community Water (LAWA).- Fictive connection in flowing waters connects a muzzling water with the water axis of the receiving flowing water.- Fictive connection in lakes and ponds is a hydrological connection in standing waters, which is needed for the construction of a closed topological water network. This information has been attributively incorporated into the database.
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