EasyGSH-DB: Long-term characteristics of the seagoing (LZSS)

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Provided by Bundesamt für Kartographie und Geodäsie

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1996-2015, Analysedaten, Wasserstraßen und Gewässer, opendata, EasyGSH-DB, inspireidentifiziert, MDI-DE_Ozeanographie, mFUND-FKZ: 19F2004A, Kennwerte des Seegangs, mFUND-Projekt: EasyGSH-DB, Bundeswasserstraßen-ID: 7000, ENVI
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Dataset description

Motivation: Knowledge of the spatial distribution of the seacourse, its intensity and duration of action is often of great practical importance for the assessment of various water engineering issues, especially in the coastal forefield and the adjacent estuaries. The presence of the characteristic values for different seagoing events also allows a simplified characterisation and comparative consideration of different periods of time. A detailed description of the analysis modes can be found in BAWiki (http://wiki.baw.de/de/index.php/Kennwerte_des_Seegangs). Metadata: This metadata record is considered as a parent record for the specified met data sets: — EasyGSH-DB_LZSS: Quantiles of significant wave height (1996-2015) — EasyGSH-DB_LZSS: maximum significant wave height (1996-2015) — EasyGSH-DB_LZSS: average wave period at maximum significant wave height (1996-2015) Literature: — Hagen, R., et.al., (2019), Validation document — EasyGSH-DB — Part: Untrim-SediMorph-Unk, doi: https://doi.org/10.18451/k2_easygsh_1 — Freund, J., et.al., (2020), Surface analysis of numerical simulations from EasyGSH-DB, doi: https://doi.org/10.18451/k2_easygsh_fans_2 For the individual years, annual data sheets are available as a summary of the annual validation on the EasyGSH-DB (www.easygsh-db.org). For more information, please visit the project page of EasyGSH-DB (www.easygsh-db.org). English Download: The data for download can be found under References, where the data can be downloaded directly or via the web page redirection to the EasyGSH-DB portal. For further information, please refer to the download portal (https://mdi-de.baw.de/easygsh/EasyEN_index.html).
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