EasyGSH-DB_WAVS: Medium seagoing energy (1996-2015)

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Provided by Bundesamt für Kartographie und Geodäsie

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Dataset information

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Wasserstraßen und Gewässer, mFUND-Projekt: EasyGSH-DB, inspireidentifiziert, Bundeswasserstraßen-ID: 7000, mittlere Seegangsenergie, opendata, 1996-2015, mFUND-FKZ: 19F2004B, ENVI, Seegangskennwerte
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Dataset description

The raster data (GeoTIFF format, location reference: ETRS89 UTM 32N) in the annual zip archives contain analyses of medium sea gang energy. A file refers to a simulation period of one year (1.1. — 31.12.). The grid width is dx=dy=100m. The products were derived from simulation results of a spectral seagoing model of the 3. Generation (SWAN) is derived. A spectral seagoing model based on SWAN and assuming a spatially and temporally constant mean water level (NHN+ 0 m) and without considering currents was created. The time simulation and output interval is one hour. The model expansion and discretisation (unstructured computational grid) correspond to the model parameters of the coupled hydrodynamic telemac tomawac model used in EasyGSH to validate product results as part of a multi-model approach. The generated data are part of the seagoing analyses in EasyGSH-DB with the aim of creating application-oriented synoptic reference data on geomorphology, sedimentology and hydrodynamics in the German Bay for a referenceable, continuously processed basic data set of 20 years for Deutsche Bucht. English Download: The data for download can be found under References, where the data can be downloaded directly or via the web page redirection to the EasyGSH-DB portal. For further information, please refer to the download portal (https://mdi-de.baw.de/easygsh/EasyEN_index.html).
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