Environmental noise mapping 2022 in Hesse according to EU Environmental Noise Directive 2002/49/EC (EU) and extended definitions (PLUS) with day level (LDEN) and night level (LNight): EU — Industrial noise of IED installations in selected areas (Ballungsraum Darmstadt, Frankfurt, Hanau, Kassel, Wiesbaden), major airport (Frankfurt am Main); Plus — Extended selection of roads in Hesse, extended regions for the selected light railways (region around the cities of Darmstadt, Frankfurt, Kassel, Viernheim, Taunus). Results EU and PLUS as well as regions are summarised by sources of noise for LDEN and LNight. Detailed information: https://www.hlnug.de/?id=9145:EU-Umgebungslärmrichtlinie 2002/49/EC — Noise mapping 2022: Major airport in Hesse (Frankfurt am Main) — Air noise to BUF (calculation method for ambient noise from aerodromes) — night level (LNight). Detailed information: https://www.hlnug.de/?id=9145
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