The maps contain the management objectives of WFD-relevant groundwater bodies in the Free State of Thuringia, to be achieved by 2015. In line with the state assessment, the causes of deficits were analysed and targets ultimately resulted in measures and management targets. For each body of groundwater, the respective management objective has been set, which can be achieved by 2015.
For groundwater bodies, good chemical status and good quantitative status should be achieved. The WFD grants the application of derogations. This makes it possible to plan measures according to their urgency and to improve the status of groundwater bodies over several planning cycles. Thuringia will be in 1. Use the management cycle of extensions of time as an exception. Reasons for the use of extensions of deadlines are that technical feasibility is only possible in steps, implementation would lead to disproportionate costs by 2015 or natural circumstances do not allow a timely improvement of the state.
Information on the management objectives of groundwater bodies is presented in the following maps:
— GWK management objectives nitrate
— GWK management objectives Salts and other substances
The data is intended to provide general information to the public about the management objectives of the WFD-relevant groundwater bodies in Thuringia.
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