First soil status survey in the forest (BZE Wald I)

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Provided by Bundesamt für Kartographie und Geodäsie

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Dataset information

Country of origin
Available languages
Bodenzustandserhebung, Bodentyp, Humusform, Bodenkarte, Kupfer, Baum, Mangan, Cu, Schwermetallvorräte, Fe, Magnesium, Schwermetallvorrat, Schadstufe, Verfärbung, Waldökologie, Elementvorrat, P, C, Krone, Eisen, Blätter, Blattgehalt, Bodenfunktion, Basensättigung, WO, Blatt, Schwermetallgehalt, Stickstoff, Höhe, Elementgehalt, K, Cadmium, Kalium, Kohlenstoffgehalt, inspireidentifiziert, Wald, Nadeln, Waldinventur, pH, Zn, Aufnahmesituation, Kohlenstoff, Kohlenstoffvorrat, C/N, Humusstatus, Elastizität, Wasserstoff, KCL, Phosphor, Bestockungstyp, Hauptnährelemente, H2O, Nadelgehalt, Bodennutzbarkeit, Säurebelastungsrisiko, Kronenzustand, Fichte, Cd, Al, S, Pb, Spurenlemente, Calcium, Bodenfeststoff, Aluminium, Bodenmessaktivität, N, Nadeljahrgang, Podsoligkeit, Protonensättigung, Mg, opendata, Bodenlösung, Schwefel, Mn, Substratgruppe, Kationenaustauschverhältnisse, Stamm, BZE, Bäume, Blei, Zink, H+, Kiefer, C/P, Buche, Ca
Quality scoring

Dataset description

The nationwide soil status survey in the forest (BZE forest) is part of forest environmental monitoring. The BZE I raised at about 1,800 Sampling points the state of forest soils. Except the forest floor the tree stocking and the crown state were also examined. Links partly consisted of ICP Forests Level I and the Forest State Survey (WZE). Distribution of sampling sites: 8 x 8 km grid (compressed in some federal states) Sampling method: • Sampling and preparation according to BML 1990: Nationwide soil status survey in the forest (BZE). Working instructions, Bonn, reissue 1994 • Satellite sampling with a ground profile at the BZE centre • Sampling for chemical analysis by depth level • Methodological deviations of individual Länder from the common working instructions are described in BMELV 2007: Results of the nationwide soil condition survey in forest I, Volume 1 (1996, revised version of 2007) Extraction depth(s): • 0 to 5 cm • 5 to 10 cm • 10 to 30 cm • 30 to 60 cm • 60 to 90 cm • if possible also 90 to 140 cm, 140 to 200 cm Examination method(s): Analysis according to BML 1990: Nationwide soil status survey in the forest (BZE). Working instructions, Bonn, reissue 1994 Working groups/fora: Federal/Länder-AG BZE of the Federal Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Consumer Protection (BMELV) Spatial resolution of the data provided: 4x4 km (aggregated tile of the JRC-Soil-Grid: )
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