Flooding areas of the Elbe of 01.10.2018, amended 21.01.2019 (WMS Service)

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Provided by Bundesamt für Kartographie und Geodäsie

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Dataset information

Country of origin
2022.08.12 00:00
Available languages
infoManagementService, Gewässernetz, OGC::WMS, INSPIRE_SVDD, opendata, infoMapAccessService, Datenkatalog
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Dataset description

Flood-prone areas of the Elbe (VergG) of 01.10.2018, amended 21.01.2019 In addition to the specified flooding area, the ügG were also identified for the Elbe and publicly interpreted in map form. The public interpretation was pointed out by public notice dated 20 September 2018 (Dresder Official Journal, No 38/2018). The legal basis for the presentation of maps and public announcement are § 75(1)(1)(1) and (2) and (4) SächsWG in conjunction with Section 72(3) of the SächsWG. These are areas that are flooded only when a HQ100 is exceeded or in the event of failure of flood protection systems intended to protect against a HQ100. Areas at risk of flooding are generally outside the flood zones set for HQ100 and are adjacent to their external border. The purple or pink shredded ügG are located outside the areas protected by public flood protection systems and can be flooded at a flooding event of the Elbe, as is statistically expected in 200 years (HQ200). The technical determination of the ügG for a HQ200 was carried out with the 2D-HN model Elbe of the Free State of Saxony, which was updated after 2013, specifically on the basis of the calculation results from 2017 on behalf of LH Dresden. The orange striped ügG mark the surfaces that are flooded by the Elbe in the event of failure of public flood protection systems at an HQ100 and at a HQ200. Technical reasons: No numerical model results are available for areas flooded with HQ100 and simultaneous failure of a public flood protection system. However, a simplified GIS technical determination of a possible flood area in a dike fracture scenario showed only minor deviations (±) from the 2d-HN-modeled flood area of the HQ200 (Q=4930 m³/s). This is due to a different distribution of the water level position (WSP position), which was assumed for the dike break scenario. It can be inferred from this review that, in accordance with Paragraph 75(1)(1) and (2) of the SächsWG, the ügG is almost identical in the area and in the WSP location, i.e. that the HQ100 (in the event of failure of the HWSA) and HQ200 are practically identical here. Therefore, a common flood-prone area with identical external border is presented in the maps. Due to the higher load capacity of the 2d-HN model results for the flat spread and distribution of the WSP position behind the dike, the HQ200 scenario is used for this purpose. This allows the water level layers modelled for HQ200 (modeling 2017) to be used for projects on the relevant areas. Water law regulations applicable to construction projects and development plans in these areas can be found in Section 75(5) and (6) of the SächsWG and, in addition, in Section 78b of the WHG. With the public interpretation of the new cards in the period from 1 October 2018 to 15 October 2018 pursuant to § 72(3) SächsWG, ügG becomes valid. At the same time, the public maps of the ügG in the protected area behind the public flood protection facilities in the areas of the city centre/Friedrichstadt as well as Pieschen/Mickten/Kaditz lose their validity.
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