Dataset information
Available languages
opendata, OGC::WFS, infoFeatureAccessService, Datenkatalog, INSPIRE_SVDD, Gewässernetz, infoManagementService
Dataset description
Flowing waters in Dresden, as of August 2021. In this topic, the course of the first-order flowing waters, the second-order flowing waters and the artificial flowing waters in Dresden are presented as axis lines.
The water axes are divided into sections.
For the individual waters/sections, the following factual information is provided:
Water name (GEWNA);
unique water number (GWNR); unique section number (ABNR), water code (GEKZ) and area code (GEKZ) according to the LAWA Directive, a classification as to whether it is a main water, which should also be shown in overview maps (HGEW); Indication of whether the water is piped or open (ROHR and ROHR_ERL);Water regulations (ORND_KZ and ordern);
Location from the beginning (source, GEW_BEGINN) and end (Eimation, WHITE) of the water;Total length of water in km (LAENGEGES_KM);
Information on the basis on which the course of the water has been determined, e.g. surveying, orthographic, TK (GRUNDLAGE), information on the creator of the individual lines, e.g. environmental authority or a specific company (source) and change data. Section numbering (ABNR) is carried out contrary to the direction of flow, and the estuary of each water has section number GWNR/1. Flowing waters in Dresden, as of August 2021. In this topic, the course of the first-order flowing waters, the second-order flowing waters and the artificial flowing waters in Dresden are presented as axis lines.The water axes are divided into sections.
For the individual waters/sections, the following factual information is provided:
Water name (GEWNA);unique water number (GWNR);
unique section number (ABNR), water code (GEKZ) and area code (GEKZ) according to the LAWA Directive, a classification as to whether it is a main water, which should also be shown in overview maps (HGEW); Indication of whether the water is piped or open (ROHR and ROHR_ERL); Water regulations (ORND_KZ and ordern); Location from the beginning (source, GEW_BEGINN) and end (Eimation, WHITE) of the water;
Total length of water in km (LAENGEGES_KM);
Information on the basis on which the course of the water has been determined, e.g. surveying, orthographic, TK (GRUNDLAGE), information on the creator of the individual lines, e.g. environmental authority or a specific company (source) and change data.
Section numbering (ABNR) is carried out contrary to the direction of flow, and the estuary of each water has section number GWNR/1.
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