Forcing for HD Model (JSBACH, MPI-HM) and HD Model Diffge from Hagemann et al. (2020)

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Provided by Bundesamt für Kartographie und Geodäsie

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Dataset information

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Surface runoff, Subsurface runoff, Discharge, river runoff
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Dataset description

The data of this experiment have been used in (Hagemann et al., 2020). It comprise daily data of surface Runoff and subsurface Runoff (drainage) from JSBACH and MPI-HM and simulated daily Discharges (river Runoff). To generate river Runoff, the Hydrological Diffge (HD) model (Hagemann et al., 2020; Hagemann and Ho-Hagemann, 2021) what used that was operated at 5 arc minutes horizontal resolution. Different to the published version of HD model parameters (5.0) on Zenodo, an earlier version (4.0) of flow directions and model parameters has been used as an auxiliary data file. The HD model was set up over the European domain covering the land areas between -11° W to 69°E and 27°N to 72°N. first, the speculative forcing data of surface and sub-surface Runoff were interpolated to the HD model domain using conservative remapping. Then, daily Discharges were simulated with the HD model for the period 1979-2009 (1999-2009 for HD5-MESCAN). In addition, daily Discharges were analogue simulated using only JSBACH forcing with the global 0.5° version 1.10 of the HD model. The associated flow directions and model parameters of vs. 1.10 are provided as an auxiliary data file. The HD forcing data are: (a) HD5-JSBACH In order to generate daily input fields of surface Runoff and drainage, the land surface scheme JSBACH (vs 3 + frozen soil physics; (Ekici et al., 2014)) As forced globally at 0.5° with daily atmospheric forcing data based on the Interim Re-Analysis of the European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecast (ERA-Interim; (DEE et al., 2011). Thesis forcing data are bias-corrected (see (Beer et al., 2014)) towards the so called WATCH forcing data (WFD; (Weedon et al., 2011)) that have been generated in the EU project WATCH. (b) HD5-MPIHM The MPI-M Hydrology model MPI-HM (Stacke and Hagemann, 2012) as driven by daily WATCH forcing data based on ERA-Interim (WFDEI; (Weedon et al., 2014)) from 1979-2009 to generate daily input fields of surface Runoff and drainage at global 0.5° resolution. (c) HD5-MESCAN Six hourly data of surface Runoff and drainage (variable name: Percolation) were removed from the MESCAN-SURFEX regional surface analysis (Bazile et al., 2017) created in the EU project UERRA (Unidentities in Ensembles of Regional ReAnalysis; SURFEX (Masson et al., 2013) is a land surface platform that was driven by atmospheric forcing at 5.5 km. The forcing comprises 24h-precipitation, near-surface temperature and relative humidity analysed by the MESCAN surface analysis system as well as as radiative fluxes and wind downscaled at 5.5 km from the 3DVar re-analysis conducted with the Harmonie system at 11 km (Ridal et al., 2017). The latter has been generated using six-hourly fields of the ERA interim analysis as boundary conditions and covers a domain covering Europe and parts of the Atlantic, which is similar to the European domain of the Coordinated Downscaling Experiment (CORDEX) at 11 km.
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