Forest function mapping for Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania

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Provided by Bundesamt für Kartographie und Geodäsie

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Dataset information

Country of origin
2012.11.13 23:00
Available languages
Forstliche Versuchsfläche, Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, MV, Waldbrandschutz, Generhaltung, Forstliche Genressource, Schutzfunktion, M-V, Forstliches Vermehrungsgut, Nutzfunktion, Erholungsfunktion
Quality scoring

Dataset description

Mapping of forest protection and recreation functions as part of forest framework planning (§ 9 Landwaldgesetz M-V) The forests in Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania fulfil a wide range of useful, protective and recreational functions. The task of forest function mapping is the representation of special forest functions in terms of area. It covers the functions of forests for environmental and nature conservation, recreation and culture as well as resource conservation. Both legally designated areas and those areas that perform particularly important functions without formal binding are taken into account. Forest function mapping informs the public, forest owners, administrations and planners about forests with highlighted protection and recreation functions. It constitutes an important basis for the work of the forestry authorities, in particular: — in the case of decisions taken by forestry authorities (e.g. in the case of the authorisation of balding, forest conversions and reforestation), — in the case of forest planning; Promoters of public projects must take due account of forest functions; — when informing all forest owners about special functions of their forests so that they can be taken into account in proper forest management; — as an essential part of the forest framework planning, — for the designation of conservation and recreational forests in accordance with Sections 21 and 22 of the Landeswaldgesetz M-V, — for the organisation of forest support programmes (e.g. forest conversion). In recent years, society’s demands on the forest have changed greatly. New insights into its achievements — in particular in the areas of nature and species protection, clean air, water and soil, tourism development, climate protection — as well as advances in GIS technology and improved data required a rework of the existing forest function mapping from 1995/96.
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