Forest seed presentation service: Boundaries of the areas of origin of the tree species subject to the FoVG (according to the Forest Propagation Goods Ordinance of Origin, FoVHgV)

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Provided by Bundesamt für Kartographie und Geodäsie

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Forstwirtschaftliche Produktion, opendata, infoMapAccessService, Forstwirtschaft, forstliches Vermehrungsgut, Saatgut, Verwendung lokaler Ressourcen, Vorsorgeprinzip, WMS
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Dataset description

The Presentation Service shows the limits of the forest areas of origin of the tree species which are subject to the Forestry Propagation Goods Act (FoVG). The areas were established on the basis of the Ordinance on areas of origin for forest reproductive material (Forest Propagating Material Ordinance, FoVHgV of 7 October 1994 (BGBl. I, p. 3578), as amended by the Ordinance of 15.1.2003 (BGBl. I, p. 238)). However, only the limits of the basic ecological units for the delimitation of forest areas referred to in Annex 1 to the aforementioned Regulation are legally binding for the allocation of forest areas (see also “Basic ecological units for the delimitation of forest areas of origin”). Operating instructions: Add tree species no. (Baumart=xxx) to the URL as parameter, e.g. “.../FGRDEU_Hkgb_Limit_Tree Types?SERVICE=WMS & REQUEST=GetMap & Baumart=801 &...” Areas of origin are available for the following tree species: —Acer platanoides L./Spitz maple [800]; —Acer pseudoplatanus L./mountain maple [801]; —Alnus glutinosa/black alder [802]; —Alnus incana/grey alder [803]; —Betula pendula/hanging birch [804]; —Betula pubescens/Moor-Birke [805]; —Carpinus betulus/common hornbeam [806]; —Castanea Sativa/Noble chestnut [808]; —Fagus sylvatica/red beech [810]; —Fraxinus Excelsior/usual ash [811]; —Prunus avium/bird cherry [814]; —Quercus rubra/red oak [816]; —Quercus robur/Stiel oak [817]; —Quercus petraea/grape oak [818]; —Robinia pseudoacacia/Robinie [819]; —Tilia cordata/Winter-Linde [823]; —Tilia platyphyllos/summer lip [824]; Abies Alba Mill. /White fir [827]; —Abies grandis Lindl. /Coastal fir [830]; —Larix decidua/European larch [837]; —Larix kaempferi/Japanese larch [839]; —Picea abies/usual spruce [840]; —Picea sitchensis/Sitka spruce [844]; —Pinus Nigra var. austriaca/Black pine [847]; —Pinus Nigra var. calabrica/Black pine [848]; —Pinus Nigra var. corsicana/Black pine [849]; —Pinus sylvestris/forest pine [851]; —Pseudotsuga menziesii/Douglasie [853].
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