GDI-SBV: Road safety according to ESN (WMS)

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Provided by Bundesamt für Kartographie und Geodäsie

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Dataset information

Country of origin
2021.02.12 00:00
Available languages
Sicherheitsanalyse nach ESN, LISt GmbH, Sicherheitspotentialanalyse, Straßenbauverwaltung Sachsen
Quality scoring

Dataset description

This presentation service was created by LISt GmbH on behalf of the Ministry of Economic Affairs, Labour and Transport (SMWA) and the State Office for Road Construction and Transport (LASuV). The services are part of the spatial data infrastructure of the Saxony Road Construction Administration (GDI-SBV). The WMS shows the assessment of the road safety of federal and state roads of the Free State of Saxony according to the procedure of the recommendations for the safety analysis of road networks — ESN (FGSV 2003) with the “safety potential” (SIPO). The calculation, classification into classes and colour representation of the results follow the specifications of the ESN. The assessment is based on the difference between the actual accidents (police road accidents) over the period of three calendar years and the accidents expected in accordance with the Directive. The expected values are included in the ESN (FGSV, 2003). If actual accidents were below the expected value, there is no potential to improve road safety (SIPO). The network allocation underlying the assessment was based on the network structure, taking into account the local situation and a minimum length of section. Accordingly, network node sections were subdivided or combined with adjacent sections. Further explanations can be found in the report “Security Analysis 2020”.
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