Geological 3D model new track DD-Prague 2020

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Provided by Bundesamt für Kartographie und Geodäsie

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Bad Gottleuba-Berggießhübel, Börnersdorf, Deutsche Bahn, Erzgebirgstunnel, Pirna-Heidenau, Bahretal, Dohma, Kohlberg, 3D geologisches Modell, Geologie, Eisenbahnneubaustrecke Dresden-Prag
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Dataset description

The geological model represents a uniform visualisation of geology and disturbances under the surface in correlation with the planned railway routes between Dresden and Prague in a three-dimensional space. The geological model was developed as part of an Interreg Va project (“cross-border cooperation on the development of rail transport in Saxony-Czech Republic”, 2019-2020) together with the Czech Geological Service (CGS) and used the geological model of the EUKOM 2015 study, which was the main data base. The model forms the basis for the planning work (election of the route, drilling planning, etc.) in preparation for the construction of the new railway line or the Erzgebirg Tunnel. Thus, the resulting 3D model shows zones of geotechnical risk areas. These have already been taken into account by the client (Deutsche Bahn) in the selection of drilling points and the orientation of the drilling of the first drilling campaign. Up-to-date information can be found at: The new railway line DD-Prague includes a joint work of the Free State of Saxony and the Czech Republic, in the course of which a new body in the SMWA was also established in 2016. The European Network for Teritorial Cooperation (EGTC) takes care of the professional support and cross-border successful communication and implementation of the new railway line DD-Prague. The geological 3D model of the Interreg project was linked to the model of the EUKOM study and was created as a GOCAD model in the 2019 version.
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