Geological and Hydrostratigraphic Profile Sections (WMS Service)

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Provided by Bundesamt für Kartographie und Geodäsie

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Dataset information

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infoManagementService, OGC::WMS, Geologie, infoMapAccessService, NIBIS-Metadaten
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Dataset description

Geological profile sections convey a spatial idea of the structure of the subsurface. The NIBIS contains information on profile cuts, divided into looser and solid rock areas in Lower Saxony. The scale of geological profile cuts is 1: 50 000. Therefore, loose rock layers could only be represented from a thickness of more than 1 m and solid rock layers from a thickness of more than 10 m. In order to improve the readability of the profile cuts, they had to be displayed excessively, whereby for loose rock cuts a 50-fold, for solid rock cuts, a five-fold elevation was chosen. It should be noted that the exaggeration also affects the presentation of the storage situation. It causes an apparent incident, which must be taken into account when assessing, for example, very steep gutter flanks or very steeply incoming layers. The stratigraphic, petrographic and genetic characteristics have been summarised. Due to the scale-related generalisation, only dominant properties were presented. Only local, low-powered activations or small-scale special facies could not be taken into account. In addition, further geological elements such as tectonic disturbances, the basis of quaternary sediments and, often in idealised form, glacial dandruff and plaice are recorded. In addition, the profile sections contain information on the main topographical elements (locations, waters, roads) as well as water protected areas. The holes used in the profile cut are also drawn. While the lines of the loose rock cuts run directly through the drilling points, the holes for the solid rock cuts are projected onto a straight cutting line. For drilling that have been developed into groundwater measuring stations or wells, there is additional information on the location of the filter sections. As a result of the hydrogeological interpretation of the geological profile sections, the hydrostratigraphic profile cuts were created, where the geological layers are represented as aquifer and aquifer. Rohm et al. (2009): Groundwater monitoring — Compilation of geological and hydrostratigraphic cuts for the implementation of EC-EC Directive 2007/2009. Röhm, H. & Witthöft, M.: Project documentation, overview map, 142 profile sections; Hannover (unpublished. Archived. LBEG).
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