Geological Map of Lower Saxony 1: 50 000 — Basic Card (WFS Service)

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Provided by Bundesamt für Kartographie und Geodäsie

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Dataset information

Country of origin
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Geologie, NIBIS-Metadaten, inspireidentifiziert, infoManagementService, infoFeatureAccessService, OGC::WFS
Quality scoring

Dataset description

The geological conditions of Lower Saxony are shown in the Geological Map of Lower Saxony 1: 50 000 — Basic map (GK50) presented nationwide in a homogeneous, technically coordinated form and in a current nomenclature. The map provides information on the distribution, nature and sequence of rocks up to a depth of two meters below ground surface. In the case of solid rocks, it is usually possible to draw conclusions about the continuation of these rock sequences at greater depths. The thematic foundations of the map construction are primarily the map sheets of the Geological Map of Lower Saxony 1:25 000 (GK25) as well as digital datasets derived from them. It also incorporates information from soil maps as well as up-to-date data from the fields of soil science/soil estimation, as well as peat and peat. In the map image as well as the associated legend, the stratigraphy (age creation) and the genesis (type of origin) are presented and described for each geological unit. The legend also contains information on the main petrography part and side part (quality of rocks) as well as the lime and humus content of the individual layers. All units shown and quantified in the map image are abbreviated to the symbol key Geology (PREUSS et al. 1991) explained. The presentation of the geological facts in the base map is subject to certain rules. Rocks of at least 2 metres thickness on the terrain surface are characterised by surface colors, overlapping cases of several layers with beam hatching. Horizontal beam hatching features layer sequences, which consist exclusively of loose rocks, diagonally arranged beam hatches refer to loose rock layers over solid rocks. Wide hatching points to the rocks on the surface of the terrain; layers below are characterised by a thinner hatching. Surface colours as well as colors of the hatchings characterise the respective type of rock. In order to illustrate the natural geological conditions, the original distribution of the rocks is presented in areas with intensive development, although they may be altered by anthropogenic measures (e.g. spilling).
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