Geological Map of the Rhine-Westphalian Coal Region 1:10000

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Provided by Bundesamt für Kartographie und Geodäsie

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Dataset information

Country of origin
2016.06.15 00:00
Available languages
Rohstoffe, Energie, Flöz, Mineral resources, Karbon, Flöze
Quality scoring

Dataset description

Geological Map of the Rheinisch Westphalian Coal Region 1:10 000 The map contents include: Depth lines or carbon surface Hard coal Flöze Carbon sandstones Geological sections Tectonic elements Markscheiden Sheaths The geological map of the Rhine-Westphalian hard coal region 1: 10,000, depicted at the carbon surface, was developed between 1949 and 1954 at the then Office for Soil Research, state office North Rhine-Westphalia, Krefeld, and reflects the geoscientific knowledge of the creation date. Today, the large-scale map is becoming increasingly important as a high-resolution basis for dealing with issues related to old mining. The entire work of cards consists of five deliveries and accompanying explanations. Each delivery includes several sheets, which can also be purchased individually. For some sheets, cuts are also integrated on the floor plan sheet. The old printed cards are no longer available. For modern use with GIS programs such as ArcView, ArcGIS, etc., the 58 sheets of the card are now available on request as georeferenced image files in TIF format with 300 dpi resolution in the Gauss-Krüger coordinate system. The map work is also provided as an information system with GIS-specific functions. Geological Map of the Lower Rhine-Westphalian Carbon,1:100 000, 1971, 2 maps of the Ruhr Carbon Geological Map, 1:100 000. 1982 1 Map sheet Structure maps as additional maps of the Geological Map of North Rhine-Westphalia, 1:25 000 4305 Wesel. 2001 4406 Dinslaken. 2. It’s up to you. 1995 4407 Bottrop. 2. It’s up to you. 2000 4506 Duisburg. 2. It’s up to you. 1991 4507 Mülheim/Ruhr. 2. It’s up to you. 1986 4508 Food. 2. It’s up to you. 1990 4509 Bochum. 2. It’s up to you. 1988 4510 Witten. 2. It’s up to you. 1980 Carbonation map of the surface of the supercarbon in Northwest Germany on a scale 1:500 000 1984
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