Geological Map Tektonik Saarland 1:100,000

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Provided by Bundesamt für Kartographie und Geodäsie

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Dataset information

Country of origin
2011.03.01 00:00
Available languages
Saarland, geoportal, Geo
Quality scoring

Dataset description

The geological map depicts the rocks present on the Earth’s surface in terms of their distribution, nature, genesis, storage conditions and age relationships. In profile sections, the continuation of the layers to the depth is shown. The GK 100 is a compilation and generalisation of recent geological mappings supplemented in sub-areas by older geological maps (Geological Map of Prussia, Geological Map of Bavaria). In the data set “Tectonics” the fracture and overshift tectonics are displayed. The fields of the attribute table explain themselves and include Line_id (short name for the type of fault), fault type (delay, deportation, overshift, leaf shift) and remarks. The data was imported into the GDZ and modeled there as values of the multifeature class Value Geology, which is composed of the area-based feature class GDZ2010.A_ghgeowt (contains the Gk100, the GK25, and the raw material areas) of the lined feature class GDZ2010.L_ghgeowt (contains the GK15_benches, GK25_tetonics and GK100_tetonics), the punctual feature class GDZ2010.P_ghgeowt (contains the geotopes) and the associated business class GDZ2010.ghgeowt. Subsequently, the values for the object type = gk100 and parameters Langtext = Tektonik were exported to the filegeodatabase GDZ_GDB. The following attributes are relevant: TYPE: Fault safe, disturbance suspected, overshift; KZ_TYP:Identification 1=disturbance safe, 2=disturbance suspected,4=overshift;
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