Geotopes in Lower Saxony (WFS Service)

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Provided by Bundesamt für Kartographie und Geodäsie

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Dataset information

Country of origin
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NIBIS-Metadaten, inspireidentifiziert, Geologie, OGC::WFS, infoFeatureAccessService, infoManagementService
Quality scoring

Dataset description

Geotopes are earth-historical formations of inanimate nature that convey insights into the evolution of the earth and life. They include excavations of rocks, soils, minerals and fossils, as well as individual natural creations and natural landscapes.” The geotopes are worthy of protection, which are characterised by their particular earth-historical significance, rarity, peculiarity or beauty. They are documents of particular value for science, research and teaching, as well as for natural and local studies. They may require legal protection, in particular where they are endangered and comparable geotopes are not available for compensation.” Geotope protection is the area of nature conservation, which deals with the conservation and maintenance of protected geotopes. The technical tasks of the collection and evaluation of geotopes as well as the justification of proposals for protective, maintenance and conservation measures for geotopes worthy of protection are performed by the geological services of the countries. Enforcement shall be carried out by the competent nature protection authorities.’ (Source of the three quotes: Ad-hoc-AG Geotope Protection, 1996) The geological services of the countries agreed on a uniform approach. The results and definitions are published in the working manual Geotopschutz in Germany. The State Office for Mining, Energy and Geology in Lower Saxony places the list of protected geotopes and advises the nature conservation authorities on questions of geotope protection. The purpose of these efforts is to secure the most important documents of the Earth’s history in the long term, even in Lower Saxony.
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