Germany — Elbe/Lutherstadt Wittenberg/Riesa — Flood situation on 9 June 2013 — Area affected — Overview — P29

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Provided by Bundesamt für Kartographie und Geodäsie

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Dataset information

Country of origin
2013.06.10 00:00
Available languages
ZKI, DLR, Kriseninformation, EOC, Elbe, Lutherstadt Wittenberg, Riesa
Quality scoring

Dataset description

Persistent rainfall has led to severe floods in many parts of Germany in recent days. The local forces are supported by the Federal Police, the Bundeswehr and the Technical Relief Agency. The situation on the Elbe is still very tense. The levels shown in the map were recorded at the time of recording of the TerraSAR-X scene (19:01 CET). The map shows the observed water expansion of the Elbe in the Lutherstadt Wittenberg/Riesa area on June 9, 2013, at (9:01 CET, derived from a TerraSAR-X scene with 8.25 meters spatial resolution. RapidEye data with a spatial resolution of 20 meters serves as a background image. Please note that the flood situation in urban areas, under vegetation cover and in areas with high gradients may not be fully detected due to radar geometry. This product was created within the framework contract “ZKI-DE” between the Federal Ministry of the Interior (BMI) and the German Aerospace Center (DLR). Updated product versions are available at
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