Germany — Magdeburg (Commercial Area North) — Flood situation on 8 June 2013, 12:34 CET — Satellite image information — Detail — P30a
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Provided by Bundesamt für Kartographie und Geodäsie
Get early access to Germany — Magdeburg (Commercial Area North) — Flood situation on 8 June 2013, 12:34 CET — Satellite image information — Detail — P30a API!
Persistent rainfall has led to severe floods in many parts of Germany in recent weeks. The local forces are supported by the Federal Police, the Bundeswehr and the Technical Relief Agency. The peak wave reached Magdeburg on Sunday, June 9th. The level drops slowly, but the dykes are heavily soaked, so that no warning has yet been given. Pléiades data with a spatial resolution of 0.5 m, taken on Saturday, June 08 at 12:34 CET, serve as wallpaper. This product was created within the framework contract “ZKI-DE” between the Federal Ministry of the Interior (BMI) and the German Aerospace Center (DLR). Updated product versions are available at
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