Dataset information
Available languages
Recherche, Verortung, Straßen, BB, Geocodierung, Postleitzahlen, Brandenburg, HK, AdVMIS, bboxbebb, infoGazetteerService, FK, Flurstückssuche, Flurstückskoordinaten, Kreise, Berlin, Adressuche, Orte, Adressen, Regierungsbezirke, BE, Hausnummer, Suche, opendata, Positionierung, Gazetteer, Hauskoordinaten, Anschrift, DOG
Dataset description
This Web Feature Service is a Gazette service that contains property information, house coordinates, road network data and many more data. The official data of the Länder Brandenburg and Berlin are available for the house coordinates, federal states, administrative districts, postal districts, roads and postcode areas. For the state of Brandenburg, the plot coordinates, corridors, areas, districts, offices, municipalities, districts, sections of roads, kilometrification, stationing, network nodes, municipal districts, residential areas, geographical names, leaf cuts (TK10, TK25, TK50, TK100) as well as tiling in the sizes 1 km, 2 km, 5 km, 10 km, 20 km and 50 km. The parcel coordinates, corridors and areas are updated daily. House coordinates, postal districts, roads monthly and all other data quarterly.
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