Ground map information system for site exploration 1: 5 000 (IS BK 5)

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Provided by Bundesamt für Kartographie und Geodäsie

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Dataset information

Country of origin
2009.03.03 00:00
Available languages
Nutzbare Feldkapazität, Bodeninventur, Geologisches Ausgangsgestein, Bodenverbreitung, Bodenbewertung, Flächendatenbank, Bodeneigenschaft, Area management/restriction/regulation zones and reporting units, Wasserverhältnisse, Protected sites, Landesaufnahme, Ökologische Feuchtestufe, Land use, Erodierbarkeit, Bergsenkungsgebiet, Baumartenwahl, Schutzkalkung, Flächendaten, Bodeneinheit, Kationenaustauschkapazität, Versickerungseignung, Bodenvergesellschaftung, Kapillare Aufstiegsrate, Standorterkundung, Kartieranleitung, Sickerwasserrate, Standorteigenschaften, Luftaustauschkapazität, Feldkapazität, Bodenartenschichtung, Wertzahlen der Bodenschätzung, Effektive Wurzeltiefe, Effektiver Wurzelraum, Wertzahl
Quality scoring

Dataset description

Basis of the representations of the digital ground map in the processing scale 1: 5 000 are the results of the agricultural and forestry survey of the Geological Service NRW with a dense drilling network (hole spacing 100 m). For several 100 000 hectares of land area, digital ground maps based on the German Basic Map are now available in scale 1: 5 000 (DGK 5). These large-scale floor maps are ideal floor planning documents, as they can be combined with other digital area information such as climate data, terrain models or usage plans. The maps are a prerequisite for optimised, site-adapted agricultural and forestry land use and an effective and sustainable protection of soil, groundwater and valuable biotopes. The soil maps for site exploration are not processed in the sheet section of DGK 5, but in the context of mapping processes, whose boundaries are based on specific information needs (e.g. boundaries of municipalities, districts, water protection or nature conservation areas). In the case of mapping of agricultural site sensing, all agricultural or usable areas are processed and all forest areas of the process area are processed during mapping of the forest survey. A complete record of a procedure as an extract from the information system usually includes the following contents and data formats: — digital soil map (floor types, soil types, water conditions) as PDF file — soil and evaluation maps in ALK-GIAP or ArcGIS (SHAPE) format (further on request) — Explanatory notes with textual assessment of soil conditions as print or PDF file — general information on the basics of large-scale soil mapping as PDF file and interactive MS-PowerPoint presentation — Floor and evaluation maps as color plots (on request) The data is supplied as standard without topography. It is recommended to order the topographic grid data of the district government of Cologne/Abt. 7 Geobasis NRW ( ) directly from the Geological Service NRW ( ). Thus, an optimal match between the geoscientific technical maps and the topography, which was based on the creation of the technical cards, is ensured. On the basis of the order, prior to the submission of the digital data, in addition to the copyright provisions, the purpose of use, the duration of use and the number of workplace licenses, as well as the usage and provision fee, are determined in addition to the copyright provisions. The prices quoted are for single-user licenses. The data set of the ground map information system for site exploration 1: 5 000 contains the following general evaluations on soil water, soil air and nutrient balance: — usable field capacity — air capacity — saturated water conductivity — capillary ascent of groundwater into the effective root space — cation exchange capacity — effective rooting depth — erodibility of the upper soil Specific evaluations on various topics: — Erosion hazard (wide for NRW, also possible on the basis of the soil estimation map) — Wind throw hazard — Necessity of soil protection limescales — Soil scientific foundations of forest construction planning — Appropriation of leaching water for precipitation water — Leakage rate — soil worthy of protection Information for departments of the State of NRW: The ground map information system for site exploration 1: 5 000 is available for forestry carting procedures on the intranet of the state of North Rhine-Westphalia under ForstGISonline of the Landesbetriebe Wald und Holz NRW.
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