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Dataset description
The FeatureClass contains the current concentrations of selected groundwater quality parameters for the groundwater measuring stations of the water framework directive quality and groundwater quality. It is used to present quality data as part of the Lower Saxony Groundwater Report. The display takes place in separate layers for the individual quality parameters. By clicking on a measuring point, further information about the parameter or the measuring point can be accessed:- Parameter data sheet — Data sheet with tabular presentation of the annual mean values and time series of the concentration development.- Measuring point report — Most recent concentrations of the quality parameters determined at the measuring point.- Measuring point profile — Information on the expansion of the measuring point. The FeatureClass contains the current concentrations of selected groundwater quality parameters for the groundwater measuring stations of the water framework directive quality and groundwater quality. It is used to present quality data as part of the Lower Saxony Groundwater Report. The data is displayed in separate layers for the individual quality parameters.
In particular, the following layers are included:
Gwb_Al — Aluminium,
Gwb_NH4 — Ammonium,
Gwb_AOX — AOX,
Gwb_As — Arsen,
Gwb_Pb — Lead,
Gwb_KS8.2 — Base capacity pH 8.2,
Gwb_B — Bor,
Gwb_Ca — Calcium,
Gwb_Cd — Cadmium,
Gwb_Cr — Chrome,
Gwb_Cl — Chloride,
Gwb_CN — Cyanid,
Gwb_DOC — Monasteries of Organic Carbon (DOC),
Gwb_Fe — Iron,
Gwb_F — Fluoride,
Gwb_K — Potassium,
Gwb_Cu — Copper,
Gwb_LF — electrical conductivity,
Gwb_Mg — Magnesium,
Gwb_Mn — Manganese,
Gwb_Na -Sodium,
Gwb_Ni — Nickel,
Gwb_NO3 — Nitrate,
Gwb_NO2 — Nitrite,
Gwb_PO4 — Orthophosphate,
Gwb_PSM — Plant protection products (PSM),
Gwb_pH — pH,
Gwb_Hg — Mercury,
Gwb_SAK254 -SAK 254/UV adsorption,
Gwb_SAK436 — SAK 436/Adsorption of visible light,
Gwb_O2 — Oxygen,
Gwb_Si — Silicon,
Gwb_SO4 — Sulphate,
Gwb_KS43 — acid capacity pH 4.3,
Gwb_Zn — Zinc.
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