Dataset information
Available languages
Energiequellen, HyK 50, Geothermieatlas, geothermische Potentialkarte, Veröffentlichung, oberflächennahes geothermisches Potential, Geothermie, Erneuerbare Energien, geothermische Entzugsleistung, GTK50, Geologie
Dataset description
Project-related map, coupled to the ongoing development of the HyK 50. The map was prepared by a geothermal reassessment of hydrogeological bodies of the HyK50 basic map and the groundwater fluid level information level of the map of the protection function of groundwater cover from the special hydrogeological mapping 1:50000. The geothermal calculation is carried out by assigning the rock parameter thermal conductivity to the individual hydrogeological bodies and subsequent calculation of the specific withdrawal rate (in watts per metre) according to empirical formulas. The map serves as an estimate and is applicable to geothermal probe projects of less than 30 kW heating capacity and does not replace concrete planning for a geothermal project. The result is tuft-dependent grids for 1800 annual hours of operation (if only heating) and 2400 (heating + hot water heating) annual operating hours of a heat pump. The grid cells (50 m x 50 m) contain the averaged withdrawal power values in W/m (Watt per meter) in the field (VALUE) for each depth interval (40 m, 70 m, 100 m, 130 m). Grids for 1800 and 2400 hours per year as mosaics for the specified leaf cuts (finished sheets): g1800h_40m (for 40 m depth) g1800h_70m (for 70 m depth) g1800h_100m (for 100 m depth) g1800h_130m (for 130 m depth) g2400h_40m (for 40 m depth) g2400h_70m (for 70 m depth) g2400h_100m (for 100 m depth) g2400h_130m (for 130 m depth) For these grids for 1800 and 2400 hours and the associated drilling depths 40 m, there are 70 m, 100 m, 130 m legends (*.lyr) files that output the average withdrawal power in watts per metre in grouped color gradations. Completed sheets: L4946 Meissen, L4744 Riesa, L4746 Großenhain, L4944 Döbeln, L5144 Flöha, L4948 Dresden and L5148 Pirna (only urban area LH Dresden), L4542 Torgau-West, L4742 Wurzen, L4540 Eilenburg, L4340 Gräfenhainichen, L4342 Jessen (Elster), L4344 Herzberg, L4544 Torgau, L4546 Elsterwerda, L5342 Stollberg, L5344 Zschopau, L4754 Niesky, L4954 Görlitz, L4956, L4756, L4740 Leipzig, L4738 Leipzig-West, L4538 Landsberg
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