Plants which have not been present in an area or which have not been present for more than 100 years shall be considered non-residents. For example, plants outside their natural range are considered non-residents. But populations of a native species, that is, within their natural range, can also be alien in one area if they have their genetic origin in another area. According to § 40 of the BNatSchG, they may be applied in the wild outside of forest and agricultural use only to native plants or seeds on 2 March 2020. Exceptions are subject to authorisation. For this reason, the LUBW identified crop stocks from which origin-proof propagating material can be obtained. These crops are shown in the present spatial data set. For each crop, a list of tree species is linked. Only individuals of these species can be considered safe origins and thus local. The propagating material of a crop may only be used for application in the respective area. All harvest stocks are assigned a harvest stock number for documentation and traceability.
On behalf of the LUBW, harvest stocks for local forest species were mapped throughout Baden-Württemberg in 2019/2021.
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