Helicopter-borne Electromagnetics (HEM) Area 191 Finsterwalde

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Provided by Bundesamt für Kartographie und Geodäsie

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Dataset information

Country of origin
Available languages
Schwerpunktstiefe, electrical conductivity, Geology, apparent resistivity, airborne geophysics, Lauchhammer, Aerogeophysik, centroid depth, Plessa, elektrische Leitfähigkeit, Niederlausitz, Hubschrauber-Elektromagnetik, resistivity, Halbraumwiderstand, helicopter-borne electromagnetics, Finsterwalde, Brandenburg, spezifischer Widerstand
Quality scoring

Dataset description

BGR conducted an airborne survey in the region of Finsterwalde (Brandeburg) as part of the BGR project D-AERO-Finsterwalde. This project is a pilot study to survey the "Finsterwalder Restlochkette" with the BGR airborne geophysical standard measuring system. The former lignite mining area is located between Finsterwalde and Lauchhammer in Lower Lusatia about 50 km southwest of Cottbus. The size of the area is about 250 km². The area was surveyed with 8 flights totalling to 1263 line-km (298,642 survey points). The nominal separation of the 107 NW-SE lines and 35 NE-SW tie lines was 250 m and 625-3125 m, respectively. The maps display the geophysical parameters apparent resistivity, apparent depth and centroid depth derived from the HEM data at the six frequencies of the HEM system (0.4 - 130 kHz). Furthermore, vertical slices were derived from layered-earth models (resistivities and thicknesses of six or twenty model layers) for each flightline and also, based on twenty-layer models, ten horizontal slices at 45 - 125 m asl (every 10 m) plus 90 m asl.
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