High RESolution Atmospheric Forcing Fields (HiResAFF) consist of key meteorological variables on daily scale which are typically used to drive ocean or ecosystem models. The fields are reconstructed through non-linear statistical upscaling using the analog-method (Schenk and Zorita, 2012). The method resamples atmospheric fields from a regional climate model (RCAO/RCA3) in time based on the best pattern similarity in the predictor space of homogenous historical station data since 1850. The dataset provides physically consistent homogeneous atmospheric fields suitable to derive long-term simulations and statistical analysis since 1850 over the North Sea and Baltic Sea region of Europe. The analog-method and reconstruction skill is described in Schenk and Zorita (2012) and the extended dataset to 1850 in Schenk (2015).
The research leading to these results has received funding from the European Union Seventh Framework Programme (FP/2007-2013) under grant agreement no. 217246 made with the joint Baltic Sea research and development programme BONUS, and the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (03F0492A).
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