Hydrogeological Map 1:500,000 — Groundwater equivalent quaternary

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Provided by Bundesamt für Kartographie und Geodäsie

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Dataset information

Country of origin
Available languages
opendata, gdiby, HK500, Hydrogeologie, Grundwassergleichen, Hydrogeologische Karte
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Dataset description

Distribution of the quaternary groundwater equivalents as a layer of hydrogeological map 1:500 000. It is recommended to display together with the separate compartment layers of Measured aquifer. Zoom limit min. 1:1 000 000 to max. 1:200 000. Groundwater equals are lines of equal heights of a groundwater surface or groundwater pressure area. The basis for the creation of the groundwater balance is the knowledge of groundwater levels in boreholes, wells, groundwater measuring stations and springs, as well as of above-ground waters, which are interpolated to lines of the same height taking into account hydrogeological and hydraulic conditions. In addition, existing groundwater equivalent plans were taken into account in the preparation (see explanations on the hydrogeological map of Bavaria 1:500 000, Fig. 6-2 and Tab. 6-1). Inaccuracies in the design of groundwater equilibrium result in particular from the uneven distribution of the digestion points. Geometries and legend units are designed for the viewing scale 1:500 000 (1 cm on a map correspond to 5 km in nature) and are i.e. strongly generalised. The HK 500 is intended as a basis for larger-scale considerations, it does not replace detailed examinations and assessments by a specialist office in the planning of local projects.
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