Hydrogeological Map of Zambia (HYGMAP ZAMBIA), Southern Province - "Lusitu Catchment" 1:100,000

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Provided by Bundesamt für Kartographie und Geodäsie

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Dataset information

Country of origin
Available languages
Grundwasserqualität, Grundwassergleichen, Catchments, Südprovinz, Borehole, Bohrlöcher, Wasserressourcenmanagement, Hydrochemie, Thermal spring, Department of Water Affairs Sambia (DWA), Technische Zusammenarbeit, Lithology, Integrated Water Resource Management System, Geology, Lithologie, Grundwasserbestand, IWRMS, Wassereinzugsgebiet, Groundwater features, Ministry of Energy and Water Development Zambia, Sambia, Aquifer, Groundwater flow direction
Quality scoring

Dataset description

Zambia faces an increasing demand of industrial- and drinking water. In the field Zambia faces an increasing demand of industrial- and drinking water. In the fields of water supply and management, the Zambian government cooperates with BGR as one of the implementing agencies of the German Development Cooperation and other partners. The project "Groundwater Resources for Southern Province" aims at solutions for the southern parts of the country in which surface water is scarce and only temporarily available. Accurate and updated information about quality and quantity on both surface and groundwater resources is required to regulate its use and to establish an integrated and sustainable management of the Nation’s water resources. One result of data research is reflected in the GIS-based Hydrogeological Map "Lusitu Catchment", scale 1:100,000. The contents of the maps comprise: - Topography including administrative boundaries, transport, villages, towns, health centres and schools, surface elevation - Hydrography including rivers and wetlands - Surface catchment and subcatchment boundaries - Aquifers - Groundwater elevation contours and direction of groundwater flow - Water points such as boreholes and wells and thermal springs - Lithology and geological structures (faults, etc.) - Rainfall Distribution (Insert Map) - Sheet map of available hydrogeological map sheets of Southern Province, Zambia (scale 1:250,000) Additional Information: For Southern Province 3 adjacent or overlapping hydrogeological maps at scale 1:250.000 and one map at scale 1:100,000 (digital and printed version) are available. The printed version is only available as whole package (4 maps and 2 booklets).
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