Hydrogeological overview map of Lower Saxony 1: 500 000 — Groundwater bodies (WMS service)

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Provided by Bundesamt für Kartographie und Geodäsie

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Dataset information

Country of origin
2013.02.01 00:00
Available languages
infoManagementService, infoMapAccessService, Geologie, NIBIS-Metadaten, OGC::WMS
Quality scoring

Dataset description

The map shows the groundwater bodies in Lower Saxony on a scale of 1:500 000. According to the EC WRL, a groundwater body is a delineated groundwater volume within one or more aquifers. The groundwater bodies were defined in the LBEG according to hydraulic limits and hydrogeological criteria. As hydraulic limits, the above-ground water sheaths were used as upper currents and the relevant pre-floods as an undercurrent limit. It was assumed that the watersheds of the above-ground waters also reflect the underground water sheaths. However, local deviations can occur due to hydrogeological conditions. There was no delimitation of water bodies in the vertical direction, as a breakdown was considered unreasonable and not necessary for the purpose due to the partially complex geological construction. In the second step, these hydraulically demarcated groundwater bodies were further subdivided according to the predominant hydrogeological building units of loose rock, mesozoic solid rock and paleozoic solid rock. Minor deviations between the above ground and underground catchment areas can occur in the area of watersheds. The description of the hydrogeological conditions can be found in the description of the hydrogeological sub-spaces (see explanations on spaces and sub-spaces) from which the bodies of groundwater are constructed. In order to ensure the consistency of the GIS datasets used in Lower Saxony, the GIS geometries of the groundwater bodies are at work scale 1: 25 000 has been updated by the NLWKN. In doing so, no fundamental re-delimitation took place on the basis of technical criteria, but rather the existing border gradients were examined and, if necessary, adjusted. The dataset contains all the groundwater bodies located in Lower Saxony (working status February 2013). The dataset is not boundary. Demarcations of the groundwater bodies outside Lower Saxony were taken 1:1 from the data records of neighbouring countries. Isolated coordination with institutions outside the NLWKN is still required (e.g. harmonisation of designations or demarcations in the area of national borders).
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