Hydropower (inventory)

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Provided by Bundesamt für Kartographie und Geodäsie

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Dataset information

Country of origin
2016.12.31 23:00
Available languages
Energie, Klima, oac:542
Quality scoring

Dataset description

For the “Energieatlas Baden-Württemberg”, the sites of the existing hydropower plants as well as the control and sole structures of the catchment areas Neckar, Danube, Hochrhein and Lake Constance/Alpenrhein were taken over from the waterworks register (AKWB). Hydropower plants including small hydropower plants are covered here. These can be hydroelectric power plants (hydropower plant erected in the course of the river, DIN 4048 part 2, DIN 19752) or diversion plants (hydropower plant, where the drop height present at the barrier construction is increased by diversion, DIN 4048 Part 2, DIN 19752). Sole structures are according to DIN 4047 Part 5 and DIN 19661 Part 2: Sole steps: Fall, stair, sole ramp, sole tracks and sills: Support, basic threshold, sole threshold. These structures are important for the water description (district, continuity). They play an important role in water development planning and inventory for the Water Framework Directive. Control structures (examples: various types of defence installations or protectors) are important for the water description and play a role in water development (water development concept, water development plan), the Water Framework Directive and flood hazard maps.
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