Information System Ground Map of North Rhine-Westphalia 1: 50 000 (IS BK 50)

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Provided by Bundesamt für Kartographie und Geodäsie

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Dataset information

Country of origin
2009.03.03 00:00
Available languages
Landesaufnahme, Sickerwasserrate, Bodenartenschichtung, Bodeneigenschaft, Kationenaustauschkapazität, Schutzbedürftigkeit, Versickerungseignung, Bodeninventur, Land use, Bodeneinheit, Flächendatenbank, Nutzbare Feldkapazität, Erodierbarkeit, Ökologische Feuchtestufe, Luftaustauschkapazität, Staunässe, Kartieranleitung, Wertzahl, Flächendaten, Kapillare Aufstiegsrate, Bodenverbreitung, Geologisches Ausgangsgestein, Effektive Wurzeltiefe, Effektiver Wurzelraum, Wertzahlen der Bodenschätzung, Bodenbewertung, Bodenvergesellschaftung, Feldkapazität, Wasserverhältnisse, Standorteigenschaften
Quality scoring

Dataset description

The ground map information system of North Rhine-Westphalia in processing scale 1: 50 000 provides the contents of the printed floor maps without sheet cutting and updated in digital form. It is present for the whole of North Rhine-Westphalia, except for small remaining areas in the border area to the neighbouring state of Lower Saxony. The digital card is issued as standard on the average of the sheets of the BK 50 analog chartwork. On request, however, sheet-cut-free cuttings are also provided for each individually defined examination room. The content of this information system will be supplemented and updated by new findings. The soil-based technical database contains depth and layer-related evaluation tables that enable a digital evaluation of the desired geometry and material data. This gives the user the opportunity to work individually with the information system according to their specifications. The boundary lines and area enrollments of the information system are provided in different vector data formats for ArcView, PIA-ASCII and others together with evaluation tables. The data is delivered by default without topography. It is recommended that the topographic To order raster data of the district government of Cologne/Abt. 7 Geobasis NRW ( for the current subscription conditions and prices directly from the Geological Service NRW. On the basis of the order, before the digital data are submitted in a user contract in addition to the copyright provisions, including the purpose of use, the duration of use and the number of workplace licences, as well as the usage and provisioning fee. Soil evaluations of the standard delivery include: Soil parameters without or with fixed depth reference: — Groundwater and congestion conditions — Erodibility of the upper floor (with map example) — effective rooting depth — Leakage suitability related to the 2-metre room (with map example) — Capillary ascent of groundwater into the effective root space — Boundary level related to the effective root space — ecological moisture level related to the effective root space (with map example) — Values of soil estimation — effective ventilation of the upper floor — Total filter effect in the 2-meter room — soils worthy of protection — Soil classes according to DIN 18 300 Soil parameters specifically for the effective root space: — usable field capacity (with map example) — Field capacitacy — Air capacity — Cation exchange capacity (with map example) — saturated water conductivity On request, the following parameters are supplied as numerical values for all layers shown in the soil map: — usable field capacity — Field capacity — Air capacity — Cation exchange capacity — medium saturated water conductivity — medium solid rock content — medium sand content — medium sludge content — medium tone content — medium peat content — median proportion of humus in the fine soil — median share of coarse soil in the fine soil — median proportion of lime content in the fine soil As a supplement to the standard delivery, special evaluations with the following parameters are possible: — depth-dependent parameters for a freely selectable reference depth up to 2 m — generalised soil species layering per layer — others on request To the information system ground map of North Rhine-Westphalia in processing scale 1: 50 000 are also offered the following standalone digital products: — Map of the average annual leachate rate 1: 50 000 — Map of the risk of erosion and sludge of soils under agricultural use 1: 50 000
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